Established in Mexico since 2008 , do all kinds of foundations, thus being highly specialized art equipment , such as a long and proven experience in milan foundation wall type .
The screens have been imposed in the various sectors of engineering. While initially were used only for the construction of waterproof curtain in the field, currently used in a large number of elements ( bearing structures , provisional or definitive retaining walls containment , etc.) to provide a solution to problems ranging from excavation of buried , such as car parks or basements , underpasses side walls , collectors, wells, etc. , until the formation of sealing elements subsoil earth dams structures. Milan wall is a technique more reliable containment land batteries for their greater inertia and water containment avoiding the loss of fines.
MURO MILÁN S.A. DE C.V. has continued the development of this art from the knowledge transmitted by companies with years of experience in the field of special foundations.
MURO MILÁN S.A. DE C.V. is a competitive company in this sector through the use of advanced equipment to large production capacity with tool that covers all commercial thicknesses, from 0.45 m to 1.00 m . Our machines offer optimal performance for the execution of any work.
Projects of deep foundation , offering the highest quality in the shortest time possible .To achieve this we rely on the technology of our equipment and our highly qualified staff.
Adapting individually to each project and client for their loyalty and generating value to consolidate our position at the head of the special foundations sector in Mexico .
Being the leader in deep and special foundations in Mexico , efficiently developing each project , offering the best prices and quality standards of the market and respecting our values of quality, service, integration, ethics, innovation, efficiency, profitability and commitment.
Find Us:
Zacatecas 230, Despacho 603, Col. Roma Norte C.P. 06700 Del. Cuauhtémoc, México D.F | Tel/Fax: (55)5574-3658 | E-mail: